职位职责Duties list 1.负责按计划组织、安排生产工作,确保生产进度(根据周计划领料、报检和入库等系统工作)Arrange works of operators according to production plan, make sure the progress match the planning (according the weekly plan pick up the materials、stock in the system)2.合理调配人员和设备,调整生产布局和生产负荷,提高生产效率。Take advantage of production resources , adjust the layout and finally improve the working efficiency.3.主持车间例会,全面协调车间工作;Hold the routine meeting and co-ordinate works in the workshop.4.对生产作业过程进行监督、指导,同时进行生产质量控制,保证生产质量;Supervise and guide the working process , assure the product quality .5.监督检查车间员工的工作,对违规操作提出警告并指正;Supervise the works of employees, give the warning and correction when there is necessary. 6.监督检查生产过程中的自检和互检,防止不合格品流入下道工序。Supervise the self inspection and mutual inspection, avoid the unqualified product go to the next working position. 7.建立现场管理制度,并指导培训现场管理知识;Set up the on-spot management regulation and learn the operators.8.推进5S现场管理制度,实现生产车间标准化管理;Implement the 5S management regulations and realize the standard producing.9.按时考核车间员工的月度绩效,并对考评制度进行回顾和更新Evaluate the workshop employees monthly based on the evaluation system and review the evaluation system monthly and modify that if necessary.10.负责落实企业各项生产安全制度,开展经常性安全检查,控制关键要害部位,杜绝安全隐患,防止安全事故的发生;日常安全考、劳保用品佩戴监督。Implemented the safety production regulation and do the regular checking , control the critical part and avoid the accidents related with work.11.统计、收集生产数据、录入指定文件,寻求改善,提高生产效率;Statistic the daily producing data、put in the file , search for improvement and improve the working efficiency.12 新员工的入职、在职培训和考核;三级安全教育中的车间教育、班组教育Training and assessment for the new operator 13根据生产实际情况审批本班人员休息及考勤管理According to the actual production situation for examination and approval of personnel leave and attendance management of work.14持续改善项目的开展和推动Continuous improvement projects to carry out and push15对员工的沟通、激励、教育Communication, motivation, education of employees16能做好团队的建设者,有较强的号召力Can do a good team builder, has a strong appeal17. 上级主管布置的其它任务。Other works assigned by higher leader.